A slow-motion world...

I am William John... just a simple guy that is going through the issues of life. And god how I wish I had a different life. Each night I go to bed with that thought. Wishing and hoping for more. Not in a greedy way... no, damnit. Just... err... isn't there more...?

Friday, June 23, 2006

Good and bad days...

I'm sitting here at the office. It's 9:15pm on a Friday evening, and I have a tremendous headache. The one that pokes into the back of one of your eyes.

When I got into work, I was all set for the day. I'd detect my protein of interest on a nitrocellulose membrane, and then do another assay. Science stuff. But, then, where was my antibody?! Nowhere to be found! I spent half the day looking for it... it was a terrible situation. Eventually, though, it showed up in a place that I would never have placed it. But there it was. In the -80 degrees celcius freezer, ready to roar. Anyhow, the delay is the reason I'm here so late.

Despite the headache, and feeling so down today about potentially losing and having to buy a $570 antibody... the experiment worked!

I consider a bad day when I walk out of this place with no smile, a headache and no results.

A good day is a smile, a headache and a result.


William John.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Don't try and stop me, Shmee...!

I was so gonna jump... :o)
Originally uploaded by willious.

Here I am next to one of the fords we passed while hiking away. I wanted to be all country-like, so I brought along my country hat and usually wore as much flannel or denim as I could. Needless to say, I stood out like a sore thumb and most of the time my friends were several paces ahead of me... :o)

William John.

Similar to my Mum's name...

Similar to my Mum's name...
Originally uploaded by willious.

So here I am out in the country. There are more pictures on my flickr page, however one gets into that I don't know. But I'm smiling here, so it must be a good day.

I took a photo next to that sign to show my Mother... she has a very similar first name... if you add an 'i' in there somewhere. ;)

William John.

Electricity, poo and soccer...

Here I am, 12am, watching Australia play Japan in Frischterfucken, or where ever they play soccer in Germany. I can't say I'm really a big sports fan, and it's hard to be as interested when Japan has already scored a goal and half-time has come and gone. Oh well.

I went away to the countryside for the weekend with a friend from work, Kelly, who was going home to visit her family. Her family's home stands in a valley and is surrounded by mountains. I was in awe. The air, the trees, the snow-capped peaks. It was good to get away from the city and see the other side. We went on some walks and hikes, her mum, me and Kelly... we say the hydroelectricity plant, as well as the place where a 17 year old died because the water swirls like a washing machine and people like to throw themselves in to see if they can get out (which they already were to begin with, so why jump in?), as well as a deer farm and a sewerage farm. (It can't all be roses and candy! :o)

I'll try and post some images of it all, but I'd forgotten my camera at home, and borrowed someone elses, so I'm going to have wait 'til she brings them in.

I started up on another Jeffrey Archer book - Able and Kane - which I love to read in my spare time, which is hard to come by. Though, usually my bookmarks are a neatly folded square of 3-ply toilet paper, which is a dead give-away to where I do my reading. I could probably read Archer from cover to cover. I love his character development. And you never know where it's all going to go until the very end. Ahhh. Good old Jeffrey.

Anyways, it's late, Australia is losing, and this very nice eggplant dip that I got recently is sitting out open. I best put it away. Will write more soon when I'm less tired. Oh AUSTRALIA GOT A GOAL!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH! YEEHARRRRRRR! Go Australia! :o)

William John.

{Post edit: We WON! Meh! But yay! :o)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

$20! You love you long time! ;)

I went on a date recently. Don't get too proud of me, though: it didn't go that great. I was invited to the "theatre" for what I thought would be a mainstream performance of song and dance, colors and such. But, alas, no. The word theatre can mean other things, especially for arty people, which is what this guy is.

I walked into a darkened room with a bunch of other people, and the door was promptly shut behind us. Good thing, too, because the light would have ruined the ambience. Around the room there was six very large stage boxes, some of them inverted with people standing still on top of them in a flood of spotlight, and others open at the top, with people lying unmoving in them.

I walked around the room, looking at the array of people for a few minutes. The guy didn't seem too interested in staying close, but opted to walk around on his own, leaving me to feel uncomfortable. But, meh.

So, we're all looking at these people, no sound, no light... when suddenly a girl standing on one of the boxes starts... well... what I would call "orgasmasizing", which I understand isn't a real word. Having orgasms over and over every five minutes while making a wheezing sound heee-haaaarrrr in between. Another man standing on another box starts shaking violently and wrenching and contorting his face in horror whilst moving his hands to and fro from his face ever so slowly. The other people spasmed and groaned. I was so very uncomfortably. Apparently this is known as interpretive dance. And, sure, yes, it takes a lot of energy to orgasm over and over (though i'm not too sure about this personally... i'd better do a Google search just to make sure), but was it worth $20? No. No, ma'am, it was not. So, they did their spasms and compulsing for about an hour, then they pushed all the boxes together and all hugged for a few minutes, before one of the people (the girl with a shaved head, thin dress and tattoo of some mysterious Celtic symbol on her inner thigh) started going crazy and pushing people off the stage! Perhaps $20 is worth the price of the story, though... ;)

William John.