A slow-motion world...

I am William John... just a simple guy that is going through the issues of life. And god how I wish I had a different life. Each night I go to bed with that thought. Wishing and hoping for more. Not in a greedy way... no, damnit. Just... err... isn't there more...?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

$20! You love you long time! ;)

I went on a date recently. Don't get too proud of me, though: it didn't go that great. I was invited to the "theatre" for what I thought would be a mainstream performance of song and dance, colors and such. But, alas, no. The word theatre can mean other things, especially for arty people, which is what this guy is.

I walked into a darkened room with a bunch of other people, and the door was promptly shut behind us. Good thing, too, because the light would have ruined the ambience. Around the room there was six very large stage boxes, some of them inverted with people standing still on top of them in a flood of spotlight, and others open at the top, with people lying unmoving in them.

I walked around the room, looking at the array of people for a few minutes. The guy didn't seem too interested in staying close, but opted to walk around on his own, leaving me to feel uncomfortable. But, meh.

So, we're all looking at these people, no sound, no light... when suddenly a girl standing on one of the boxes starts... well... what I would call "orgasmasizing", which I understand isn't a real word. Having orgasms over and over every five minutes while making a wheezing sound heee-haaaarrrr in between. Another man standing on another box starts shaking violently and wrenching and contorting his face in horror whilst moving his hands to and fro from his face ever so slowly. The other people spasmed and groaned. I was so very uncomfortably. Apparently this is known as interpretive dance. And, sure, yes, it takes a lot of energy to orgasm over and over (though i'm not too sure about this personally... i'd better do a Google search just to make sure), but was it worth $20? No. No, ma'am, it was not. So, they did their spasms and compulsing for about an hour, then they pushed all the boxes together and all hugged for a few minutes, before one of the people (the girl with a shaved head, thin dress and tattoo of some mysterious Celtic symbol on her inner thigh) started going crazy and pushing people off the stage! Perhaps $20 is worth the price of the story, though... ;)

William John.


At 1:55 AM, Blogger PJ said...

Well who knew you were still out there? ;-)
Hope all's dandy in your world.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Dayli said...

Too funny. But on the bright side, you've got a story to tell your grandkids when your old :-)

At 7:17 PM, Blogger William John said...

sure im still here pj. chugging along, as my pop would say.

Yes, i have a story, dayli. We'll see about the grandkids. Should be interesting.


At 7:30 PM, Blogger Rob7534 said...

I would have LOVED to gone to this performance art! I just know that I however, would have laughed my ass off, pointing, they might have thrown me out.

So, more details on the date! Did he eventually get back with you? Any dinner afterward? Or other activities!?!?!


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