Room in Vermont
Well, I haven't posted in such a while. "Someone" requested an sticky beak at my room in the new house, and I am only now happy to comply now that I've figured out a way to post the image past the firewall. Sigh.
Life has been a little bit slow, but still everyday passes quickly and I'm thankful there. Melbourne was host of the 2006 Commonwealth Games (which totally destroyed prime time for me on one of the three good channels on TV). I didn't go to any events, and I was a little sad to not be involved in any of it, so when the closing ceremony was up, and a friend happened to call and wanted to go out to dinner, I suggested we watch the fireworks sitting along the Yarra. So I got myself into it at the last moment. Not that I was adverse to watching the Men's swimming. Yay. :)
Besides that I have began my PhD. It's a long road to hoe, but it should be fun... until it isn't. Meh.
Will write again soon now that I remember how.
William John.
Lovely! Everything! Even you, darling.
I didn't know you were starting PhD work! Go you!
Good luck sweetheart.
Thanks Roberta! :)
Yes, have started working on the PhD... a wonderful 3 year endeavor! Yay! But there are way too many meetings everyday, and hard to get enough work done. I say, scrap the meetings, but keep the extra long morning tea sessions. ;)
William John.
You're very welcome!
You drink tea in the morning? Coffee? No?
I have to say how SHOCKED I am that you are answering comments! Or at least my one. I won't even remark on how long it took you to do it!
You know I need attention, like ALL THE TIME!
I actually found recently that if I drink a cup of tea in the morning, I am more alert for the day. I don't know if it works the same for coffee, because I get worried that I'll have the dreaded 'coffee breath' and when I'm talking to people they'll be able to smell it, so I have tea.
But the REASON why i stopped having tea for a number of years is that if I'm to have it, I want it the way I like it... which is saturated with tea, and packed with sweet, sweet sugar... and that's not good for ya. Meh. Now that I think about it... perhaps it's the sugar that does it for me...? :)
Anyhow, yes, I drink tea in the morning... now and then. :o)
William John.
Good Luck for your PhD! I drink my tea in the mornings too... and in the afternoon, and before dinner! :P
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