A slow-motion world...

I am William John... just a simple guy that is going through the issues of life. And god how I wish I had a different life. Each night I go to bed with that thought. Wishing and hoping for more. Not in a greedy way... no, damnit. Just... err... isn't there more...?

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I see you... everywhere... everywhere I goooo...

Originally uploaded by willious
Perhaps it's the recent rain here in Melbourne (well, obviously so!), but I seem to be seeing a lot of rainbows nowadays. They amaze me. You couldn't stop me swinging my car over where it shouldn't be and snapping a picture.

schlomo will-o...

Originally uploaded by willious
here i am trying to get a picture with a rainbow.. but it must have moved or something, because all I got was a car and some schmo in the forefront. :)

cake take two

cake take two
Originally uploaded by willious
I tried making the cake again soon after, considering I had all the cream and ingredients laying around... and who knows how long it will be again before I make another cake. Well, it was my father's 53rd birthday, so I decided to give him a nice cake for the party. In hindsight, I should have given him the 'cake ewww' (as shown below), because this one was VERY nice. :)

Cake eww...

cake eww
Originally uploaded by willious
This is my first attempt at making a hazelnut meringue cake. Now, as a lesson to all you young aspiring chefs --- you must NEVER get any yolk in the meringue! NEVERrrr! Not a speck! Not at atom nor a molecule! Heed my warning! :)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Something is afoot...

Troy doing CSI
Originally uploaded by willious
Well, here is an update! lol. Huzzah! My boss has gone away to Rhode Island and New York for some science conferences, and Paris for a holiday. And seeing as I've been working so hard of late, she's given me a little time to relax. So I'm sitting at home on a Wednesday afternoon listening to music and contemplating (but not full spirited) doing something more productive. Of course I'll be going in sometimes during the 5 lazy weeks. I have to go in to demonstrate practical classes, and a few other things here and there. If I'm not at work, my friend Kelly gets very bored, so I have to keep her smiling too. :)

Anyway, besides all that, I did recently meet this guy Troy that lives close to me. I see past him wearing face masks and probably being camp, because none of that is important. (Face maks? on a man?! lol. Whatever keeps you young I suppose.)
He's happy, smiles more often than not, and has a squishy body you'd be happy to hug. We first went on a date to a silly doughnut place (that I had to argue with previously because they didn't want to honor a 'free donut' coupon they'd sent out because I was purchasing other items at the same time! Just silly!)

We had some hot chocolate and donuts and talked for a while. I leant in for the kiss as I'm driving him home -- no use dropping him off thinking I only want to be friends -- and it seemed to go off smoothly. Phew. :)

Well, since then I've seen him once more (of which I don't really wish to comment on in any detail.) and will be seeing him again on Friday for dinner at his house. It's just the beginning, but let's see how it goes. :)

William John.