Years ago I would start conversations that would never culminate in anything. I'd ask people how I'd go about making quick, simple meals. I have to cook for myself, and although I have inherited the want to cook in bulk, as my family requires, it is more advantageous economically to cook only for myself.
One of the responses I would largely get back was to chop up a variety of vegetables, buy some chopped or minced meat and some kind of sauce, and cook it all together in a saucepan. Then throw it on top of rice of something. I tried it today, and it was none too shoddy, let me tell you. And the sense of accomplishment in cooking, there is that, too!
I even have some left over to take into work tomorrow! (which puts the
Lean and Easy meal I also bought to shame! SHAME!)
Anyhow, I'm excited about this, because I rarely get the opportunity to cook anymore. I don't feel like my rent covers the kitchen for more time than it takes to cook toast, and I'm always being watched. And, when you have the tendency to accidentally spill drink on you or drop food into your lap, that's not the best thing for your nerves.
I just opened a great shirt that SFL sent me in the mail in this picture. I think he's got my taste down pegged ... but not my size, sadly. :)
And that's the food I spoke of, too! It's nothing to look at, sure.... but the taste, man... the
Oh, and either I am becoming stylish of incredibly complacent, because I appear to be letting my facial hair run wild... now I'm a blond with a 5 o'clock shadow and tight clothes. Seeing a trend, here...? Anyone...? :o)

5 minutes ago: should i be eating a full plate of food over my new shirt?
3 minutes ago: i'm not clumsy and Clouseauesque.
1 minute ago: cleaning up rice and stir fry from my pants and the floor.
William John.