A slow-motion world...

I am William John... just a simple guy that is going through the issues of life. And god how I wish I had a different life. Each night I go to bed with that thought. Wishing and hoping for more. Not in a greedy way... no, damnit. Just... err... isn't there more...?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

My 12:12 AM drunken ramblings...

I'm back home and drunk after going to my sister's bosses son's party. It is hard to type and I'm rather inappropriate and dizzy at this moment (and every wotrd iu have to spellchoeckl, expect tghesem , to prove my point... ) ....

So I best be off to sleep ... this is not the behaviour of a Honors student at all. Sigh...

Drunkeness is the best thing for me right now, as my brain is somewhat exhausted. Nighteo you Princes of Maine, you Kings of New England...

William John.
PS. This is the first time in years. I'm embarrassed in so many respects right now. :o

Monday, September 05, 2005

Inspector Wilseau...

Years ago I would start conversations that would never culminate in anything. I'd ask people how I'd go about making quick, simple meals. I have to cook for myself, and although I have inherited the want to cook in bulk, as my family requires, it is more advantageous economically to cook only for myself.

One of the responses I would largely get back was to chop up a variety of vegetables, buy some chopped or minced meat and some kind of sauce, and cook it all together in a saucepan. Then throw it on top of rice of something. I tried it today, and it was none too shoddy, let me tell you. And the sense of accomplishment in cooking, there is that, too!

I even have some left over to take into work tomorrow! (which puts the Lean and Easy meal I also bought to shame! SHAME!)

Anyhow, I'm excited about this, because I rarely get the opportunity to cook anymore. I don't feel like my rent covers the kitchen for more time than it takes to cook toast, and I'm always being watched. And, when you have the tendency to accidentally spill drink on you or drop food into your lap, that's not the best thing for your nerves.

I just opened a great shirt that SFL sent me in the mail in this picture. I think he's got my taste down pegged ... but not my size, sadly. :)

And that's the food I spoke of, too! It's nothing to look at, sure.... but the taste, man... the taste...

Oh, and either I am becoming stylish of incredibly complacent, because I appear to be letting my facial hair run wild... now I'm a blond with a 5 o'clock shadow and tight clothes. Seeing a trend, here...? Anyone...? :o)

5 minutes ago:
should i be eating a full plate of food over my new shirt?
3 minutes ago: i'm not clumsy and Clouseauesque.
1 minute ago: cleaning up rice and stir fry from my pants and the floor.


William John.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

I read on the toilet, btw...

This Honors thing is hard business, let me tell you. If I worked this much on an actual paying job, I would be violating so many Union policies. I'm there for 15 hour days, there on weekends, and my sanity resides there in a jar of contaminated formaldehyde on a high, wobbly shelf.

Anyhow, I have this constant headache, due perhaps to an overflow of stress and am feeling real miserable. I'm even sad to say that Stalker From London gets to hear less from me as my time becomes more and more constrained... and when we do talk we both sound so sad. I'm just so sorry to him. I don't mean to prioritize... I'm not good at organizational stuff like that anyway... so SFL in not on the bottom of any list. And I hope he understands.

Otherwise, I did get home yesterday to visit Mum. I don't mean to visit her long, but she pulls out all these tricks to make me stay up until it is so late that I'm better off staying over than driving back home. She made me steak with mash. I know you can't imagine or even comprehend... but it was THE BESTEST FLAVOR YOU COULD HAVE EVER HAD! Mmm... the sauce ... the tenderness ... droooool ... hard to believe I even speak of food here ... :)

Then she brought out the cakes ... swirly vanilla with swirls of chocolate and white icing ... a gooey, chocolate mousse-filled muffin-shaped thing ... mmmm...

And then on came the Collateral DVD.

"I'll watch a few minutes, but I've really gotta go," I'll reason with her. But then I get caught up in the plot, and end up staying awake until 3am. That mum of mine. Grrr! Whenever I go there, two days of energy is consumed, and I am left with a droopy head and a full bowel.

Well worth the trip.

William John.