A slow-motion world...

I am William John... just a simple guy that is going through the issues of life. And god how I wish I had a different life. Each night I go to bed with that thought. Wishing and hoping for more. Not in a greedy way... no, damnit. Just... err... isn't there more...?

Saturday, May 21, 2005

So, can the shower fit 3 people...?

I went to see two places today in search of my new home. The first place has two 20 year old guys. I am 20. They are 20. I'm a guy. They are guys. And, the one I met was soooome guy, let me tell you. He was godamn handsome. I'm not kidding. The house was so godamn neat. These people are neat freaks. I love it! Aha! Of course, the place is out of my way, triples my travel time, and is almost 25% more expensive than the place I'm in at the moment... but ... the guys there are workaholics, neat freaks, my age and handsome. Why not move confidently into their midst?

Anyhow, I hope they choose me. I haven't met one of them yet, and will probably do so on Monday. Godamn, I am way too busy for all this, so I hope to God that it works out.

The other guy I saw was OK too. An oldish sort of guy. Very weird... kept stroking his cat. Loves sci-fi. I'd just as well fit in there, too, but the place wasn't very great (he called himself a clean freak, but the chores roster was done every 3 weeks, and the room was small and lousy. 'Tis sad, because we got along so well, I know he's gonna ring me up on Monday.)

Oh, another thing... the handsome guys (I assume the other one is handsome... they both go to the gym, drink skim milk and have those happy round cheeks) ... their house doesn't have a phone line. So I'll have to post from Uni if I have to. And I'm already so slack in posting as it is! :(

William John.


At 12:04 AM, Blogger William John said...

They ain't queens. :)
The guy I met spent half the time talking about femmes... how he has his pick of 4 at the moment, but he's still deciding. I can see why he has his pick, too... :P

I'm hoping the other one is a tribe member though. (Yikes! I'm part of a tribe!) ... he goes to the gym and is in dance class to boot. ;)

William John.
PS. In recent years, phone lines have become somewhat a luxury to many households in this country. People are unhappy that rental costs more than the calls, and just use their mobiles instead. I'm not on the move too much, so mobiles are not my option.

At 4:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Good luck with this! Now I have to go think about you three in the shower together...

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Rob7534 said...

Can the shower fit 3 people INDEED!!

I love it William, if you can afford it, and afford the extra travel time, it may be a nice departure than living w/all those women. I love women, not in a sexual way of course, but still... I'm so excited!! I hope you get in.

You better keep up your posts all the same!! I relish the thought of reading about how the three of you were laying around the house in your underware, wrestling, and snapping each other w/the towels!!

OMG, take pics!!


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