A slow-motion world...

I am William John... just a simple guy that is going through the issues of life. And god how I wish I had a different life. Each night I go to bed with that thought. Wishing and hoping for more. Not in a greedy way... no, damnit. Just... err... isn't there more...?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Virage à gauche à l' Red Rooster...

In a few days I will be moving into a new place. I will be connected to cable internet in my new place. And, with webcams so absolutely cheap, and the space in the room such that the camera will only ever be pointed at the bed, I can amuse y'all with my erratic sleeping patterns. And... if anyone in the house sneaks into my room for some impromptu "uglies-bumping" while I am away, it will also be entertaining... I suppose. And disturbing. And entertaining, too. And informative, even. :)

Anyhow, I won't be getting a webcam. There would be too much resposibility on my head if I had to put on a show all the time.

God, I loved the house I've called home for the past year, but it is time to move on. After all, this morning I woke up to find some friendly vomit dripping from the vanity unit of the bathroom and some mysterious pool of liquid on the floor of the toilet. Chicken left in the fridge is one thing, but I didn't hear anyone complaining about the new guy and his mate urinating on the floor and leaving the stench of their vomit to permeate the air. The new guy even tried to joke to me about it, laughing and all, apologetic. What an idiot. I didn't laugh back.

This will be the last post about them. From Monday, they are just morons in an objective world.

I'm moving just 3 minutes away, but closer to another major road. In fact, I got lost for half an hour because I didn't want to turn my car around and return in the direction I came. So I just went along the new major road in which I would have to get accustomed, and got caught in traffic going the wrong direction. I don't really get stressed when I am driving, but I am terrible when it comes to actually getting anywhere. I just keep driving until I see some landmark. And if it takes half an hour to find a Red Rooster that I just may be familiar with, then so damned well be it!

Sigh... I'll try and learn how to read a map. If only I had someone to buy me one of those luxury cars with GPS satellite navigation. (I know you can buy them separately... but I'd like the car, too. Thank you. :)

William John.


At 1:43 PM, Blogger Rob7534 said...

Wait... what is a "Red Rooster?"

Also, are you getting a webcam or not!! You tease!! And here I was relishing the thought of watching you toss and turn at night, changing in the morning, studying, and pleasing yourself off and on!! Make sure it has night vision!!


At 1:01 AM, Blogger William John said...

Red Rooster is a fast food chain here... we have a few big ones: McDonald's, KFC, Red Rooster and Hungry Jacks (which is pretty much Burger King... but Hungry Jacks sued BK, and now they are separate, methinks... a few BK's did pop up for a little while, but then they all changed their signs to read Hungry Jacks. I don't know why.)

I am a tease, aren't I? ;)

Pleasing myself? How do you know me so well, Robbola? ;)

William John.

At 4:56 AM, Blogger Rob7534 said...

because Im psycho...

Opps... I mean Psychic!!

At 7:20 AM, Blogger Michael Lehet said...

I agree with you, moldy chicken is one thing...but bathroom mess is totally intolerable. Good that this is the last post on them. Hope your new roomate(s) is/are better.


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