A slow-motion world...

I am William John... just a simple guy that is going through the issues of life. And god how I wish I had a different life. Each night I go to bed with that thought. Wishing and hoping for more. Not in a greedy way... no, damnit. Just... err... isn't there more...?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Pinholes and gum...

I have so much work to do, and I am the worst person when it comes to doing work. I will procrastinate 'til the last moment, and then some. In fact, I'm doing it this very moment. Only now, I have cable internet as a distraction. Some things just download super fast. Some stuff I just download to see how fast it will come in. Ooooh. 200kbps! Woooow...! How impressive...

So, now I have a 2 gigabyte game downloaded and I realize it is in French and I don't know how to crack it and, even if I did, do I have the time for games? Do I have the time for games presented in a language that I can only interpret from the misguidedness of altavista's babelfish?
No is the answer to that. I do not have time for games. That Will I am, that Will I am. I do not have time for games and Will I am.

Sigh... I think I am going a bit nutty. I've started laughing at nothing in particular.

Oh... I don't think I mentioned what I (may have) done as I was leaving my old place...

My mother, God bless her, kept calling me up insisting that I go out and buy needles to insert into the wires of electrical appliances around the house. The morons go to turn something on and BAM... it short-circuits! Genius! And you won't be able to see the pin at all if you get the right ones. She also kept on telling me to pull out the electrical fuses and just take them with me. God, mum is the best for suggestions.

Anyhow, I didn't do any of that... but, as I was leaving the house, I was just so fed up with these people, with their phone messages and their abusive notes and attitudes that I ... I got a pin ... and I was in the laundry and I had meself one of those moments of brilliance that runs in my family...

I stabbed the pin through the hose connecting the washing machine to the tap. I suppose I wasn't really thinking too swell at the time... I was kind of tired, so you must forgive my next actions. So, as soon as I stabbed this hose, water started squirting out really fast and hitting against the wall and making noise. They were in the house somewhere and I needed to cover it up quick. So I got my chewing gum and tried to plug the hole. Damn, I didn't realize how useless chewing gum was for purposes other than just chewing a piece of malleable plastic. It didn't hold... so I started chewing more gum and kept adding onto the hose trying to cover the hole. Eventually I just ran to my car and quickly drove away.

I don't think vengeance is my forte. It was later pointed out to me that I could just have turned off the tap. Shucks... ;)

William John.


At 4:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You *think* you are going nutty? Do you want a second opinion? :)

At 8:54 AM, Blogger William John said...

I'll take a second of whatever you wish to offer, HT. ;)

William John.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Rob7534 said...

Wow William, you just let the water gush out of the hose? Oh dear...

Yes, revenge is not your Forte :)


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