A slow-motion world...

I am William John... just a simple guy that is going through the issues of life. And god how I wish I had a different life. Each night I go to bed with that thought. Wishing and hoping for more. Not in a greedy way... no, damnit. Just... err... isn't there more...?

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Elephants fall from trees...

I went back to visit Mother after University on Friday. Short, sweet visits are usually the best deal, otherwise I am running around picking everyone else up because none of my 3 sisters drives. Not that I mind that. All in all, I love driving, and it's always good to lend a helping hand.

Mum insisted that I watch a Rob Schneider movie The Hot Chick. It's hard for me to really get into "stupid" comedy (like that scene where all the Klumps sit around the dinner table farting in The Nutty Professor ... is that funny? I don't understand. Why are people laughing at body emissions as though they were an adequate substitution for good comedic dialogue? Personally, I must be a sleep farter, because I withhold them during the day. Letting one go in the presence of another... well... that's just not on. Oh, the shame of it all. :)

The movie, however, was amusing enough and Rob sure can get into character (This time he swapped bodies with a airy girl in her early twenties). He's just in so much, doing a lot of the same thing though. It's hard for me to get excited about his movies when they come out because he's always pretending to be something out of the ordinary. It gets stale. But I'll still watch the godamn movies and laugh.

Then we watched a bit of The Lion In Winter. We didn't get through it all because it was getting late and the drive home for me is about 40 minutes away. Mum stayed up to watch it and sent me an sms just now, letting me know she enjoyed the movie. I knew she would. It's probably one of my favorite films now. All Shakespearean and all, but so modern that it was captivating. I don't know how they got away with a lot of the lines in that movie ... like when Katharine Hepburn holds a jeweled-necklace to her bosom and says "I'd hang it from my nipples, but I don't want to scare the children". Yikes. The mental imagery is haunting enough.

As I was leaving the house, Mum showed me this sculpture of an elephant with a monkey on it's back she had obtained. She was very excited that it was made out of ivory. And ivory is heavy. Ooooh. I tried explain to her that it wasn't right that someone would kill an elephant for it's ivory to make a sculpture of an ivory elephant. She used the old "the apple already fell" story... "perhaps the elephant was already dead..." LOL. Mum cracks me up sometimes. She didn't go out and buy this item ... it merely fell into her hands. Like an apple. ;)

Anywho... I'm up really late... 'tis past 4am here now... so nighteo all.

William John.


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