A slow-motion world...

I am William John... just a simple guy that is going through the issues of life. And god how I wish I had a different life. Each night I go to bed with that thought. Wishing and hoping for more. Not in a greedy way... no, damnit. Just... err... isn't there more...?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Jewish Elmo: Oy vey! What is that that tickles?...

There are a few things that I am always pondering. Y'know. Things. Like, how do I know how much conditioner to use? Shampoo lathers up. Conditioner gives me no clues. And how come I've gone through so many years without really using conditioner? Did I buy shampoo and conditioner in a bundle one day, and got hooked? Am I really hooked, even? I'm sure I could give it up. If I ran out, I'd just use shampoo and think nothing of it. Now, 3-ply toilet paper, there's a different matter entirely...

Anyhow, conditioner isn't really the main focus of today's ramblings. I have just been so out of it the past couple of days. I need someone to shake me awake ... "Alice... Alice... wake up... Alice..." (because, obviously, Alice is my name in the real world) so that I can take some aspirin and do some laundry and get on with life... an Alice would know how to do things. Damn my luck...

You said it, Elmo... you said it...

So, I just listened to a recording of a tickle-me-Elmo doll someone sent me... ahaha! You know... things ain't too bad. Elmo can sure place everything into perpective with his vibratory rumblings and 'Oh boy, that tickles!'. Thanks Elmo... (aka SilverB. ;)

William John.


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Rob7534 said...

Tickle me Elmo... how sweet. I'm glad your feeling better thought William, cheer up :) Remember life back in your old house? With all those female children? Agh :)

At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

William just thought I would ask next time you have your pic taken would mind opening your legs a bit more, I'm sure I could squeeze in that space but it's always nice to have a bit of room to maneuver.

At 11:10 PM, Blogger William John said...

Yeah, life is certainly better here is terms of maintaining my inner harmony.

Dear stalker,

If you can't squeeze into the limited space provided, then we're going to have to get an adaptor... perhaps Rob? :)

Tehehe. You naughty man.

William John.


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