A slow-motion world...

I am William John... just a simple guy that is going through the issues of life. And god how I wish I had a different life. Each night I go to bed with that thought. Wishing and hoping for more. Not in a greedy way... no, damnit. Just... err... isn't there more...?

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Melted cylinders and round cheeks...

Recently I started doing Honors in Science, knowing full well that I am not much of a laboratory Salieri. Then again, he composed music, and there is no place for that in the lab... so maybe I am like Salieri. Aargh. Anywho... it just has not gone well. I have no time to myself anymore. I am in the lab from 9 to past 5, and yet I never seem to get anything done. Everything screws up.

Today the worst event was when I dropped a 2L beaker half filled with water. Everyone in the lab appeared out of nowhere, me standing in a 10 meter wide pool of water with broken glass at my feet. Then my supervisor gave me the "idiocy award" ... I AM NOT KIDDING ABOUT THIS - the idiocy award is a stick of about 8 plastic measuring cylinders which have been accidently melted together into one, with the words "idiocy award" labeled on the side on masking tape. I'm supposed to wait until some other idiot breaks something then pass on the baton. If I don't break the melted cylinders, that is. ;o)

And the point about everything screwing up is that an experiment can take up to 3 days to set up. If you ruin it, then that a full week. Grrr! When I leave the uni, I am damn tired, always wondering what the goddamn hell I am doing there still. Yes, I've always thought of myself as a student that would keep moving along the conveyer belt, until I'd fall off and be something else ... but it is getting a bit trying. And I don't have the time to think anymore. I'm not that happy right now I suppose. And I don't think I will be for the rest of the year. I'm finding it a little hard to even be pretend-happy anymore ... which is a real pity, because I was hoping to develop those nice rounded cheeks that happy people get because they smile too much. I love those.

William John.


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